Thursday, 25 September 2014

Thursday, September 25th

We have enjoyed a very busy first week of school and students are now settled into their 2014-2015 classes. Thank you to our staff for their hard work in coordinating classroom placements and our parents for their patience and understanding with this process. We are pleased to welcome the following staff members to our school community.  Please join us in welcoming:

Ms. Cadez,  Grade 6/7 Teacher
Ms. Lloyd, Grade 5/6 Teacher
Mr. Coghlan, Grade 3 Teacher
Ms. Jessica Rowa  Grade 4 Teacher
Ms. Grewal, ESL / Learning Assistance Teacher
Ms. Glover, Learning Assistance Teacher
Ms. Jensen, Education Assistant
Ms. Reme Education Assistant
Ms. Gould Vision Specialist
Ms. Woolford, School Psychologist
Ms. Sasges, Speech and Language Pathologist
Ms. Dube, School Counselor 

Parents are invited to join us for our Terry Fox Run scheduled for Friday, September 26th at 2pm. We will be gathering with all of our students in the gym to share a few words and then head out for a run on Hawthorne's fields. We will be collecting "Toonies for Terry" until Thursday, October 2nd and any support you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Student planners have been distributed to classrooms and they are ready to be handed out. Please note that there is a $10 charge per planner.

Many families have already receive a letter advising them that a student in tehir child's classroom has a life-threatening allergy.  These allergies vary from student to student and it is important that ll of us at Hawthorne work to ensure a safe learning environment for every child. Aside from some food restrictions we are also asking that dogs be brought to the school grounds with extra care.  We have students who are allergic to canines or do not feel comfortable around them.  It is important that pets are secured on a leash and kept well away from doorways.  Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.

International "Walk to School" Month is coming up in October and we are encouraging all students to walk, ride or roll to school as much as possible this year.  Walking to school has very clear health benefits, is better for the environment and creates a safer space for our school community.  We hope that you can support this initiative and continue to do so for the balance of the school year.

As students adjust to the routines and expectations of the new school year, they do not always pay attention to the safety rules when they walk to and from the school. Please take some time to discuss safety rules with your child(ren) and please drive carefully.  As you are aware, we are very concerned about the safety of our students during the peak periods of drop-off and pick-up in our school driveway. The capacity of our driveway is not sufficient to accommodate the growing numbers of vehicles that use it for drop-off, pick-up, and visitor parking. In order to improve safety for our students and other pedestrians at school, and to increase the traffic flow in the roundabout, we are asking all drivers of vehicles including daycare, to observe the “Drop-off – Pick up” rules. These have been discussed by The Delta Police and Traffic Engineers from the Corporation of Delta. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We will monitor this and make the necessary changes where needed.


  • The curved lane in front of the school has been designated for "drop-off and pick-up" only.  This is a FIRE LANE and there is NO PARKING ALLOWED, however, we are allowing only drop-off, pick-up and exiting.  Do not leave your vehicle unattended, including Daycare providers.
  • Enter the “Drop-off – Pick- up” lane and proceed forward as far as possible to the next car ahead so that other cars can enter the lane.
  • Do not leave your vehicle (NO PARKING), as this blocks others from exiting.
  • Keep your place in the line up. Do not cut in front of another vehicle.
  • Please do not idle your car
  • When driving, please do not use your cell phone
  • Follow the correct flow of traffic indicated by the arrows on the road.
  • Children should use the passenger side car doors that open to the sidewalk.
Our parking lot is restricted to staff for 30 minutes before and after school. The existing parking stalls are needed for school staff as well as district staff who arrive and leave our school at different times throughout the day. If possible, please consider having your child(ren) walk to school or walk to school with them. We will continue to participate in initiatives and events that promote walking to school, teach environmental responsibility and reduce car dependency.  Please watch for an announcement, regarding our first “Walk to School” event.  

Again this year our newsletters and school bulletins, as well as many PAC notices, will be posted on the Hawthorne website.  You can access the website by going to  There are also many other interesting and helpful links on the site for both parents and students.  Parents are also advised to use the Parent Connect program that has been set up by the Delta School District.  This program allows you access and update your child's information.  You can access / set up Parent Connect by clicking HERE.

There are four important issues to consider as you try to determine if your child is too ill to attend school:
  1. The protection of your child.  Their recovery could be delayed and their resistance to other illnesses reduced if they are unable to rest and recover in their home environment.
  2. The ability of your child to function and learn at school.
  3. The inability of the school to meet the emotional and physical needs of a sick child.
  4. The protection of other children.
Please keep your child home if he/she:
  • Has symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, sneezing, etc.  If these symptoms do not clear up within a reasonable time, please see your family doctor.
  • Has a fever.
  • Is too sick to participate in all normal school activities.
  • Has a suspected or know communicable disease (i.e. strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox or any other undiagnosed rash).  Keep them home until they are no longer infectious.
  • Students who have vomited at home or school should remain at home until they are symptom free(48 hours is recommended).
  • If your child has exhibited symptoms of the H1N1 virus, they should be staying home for 5-7 days until they are able to return to day to day activities.
Should the school find it necessary to send your child home because of illness, please make sure you have made alternate arrangements when you are not available.  Please inform the school of these arrangements.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Friday, September 19th

Hello everyone.  It has certainly been a trying time for education in British Columbia and tested the tolerance levels of all involved.  The support and patience demonstrated by Hawthorne's parents has been noticed and greatly appreciated.  Within our school community,  I am certain that people could find merit with the arguments presented by both sides of this dispute. Regardless of your opinion on the protracted negotiations,  I hope we are all united by the desire to make this upcoming year the best it can be for our students.  

I take great pride in working alongside Hawthorne’s staff. They are a caring and industrious group that is dedicated to meeting the needs of our students. Our work begins on Monday, September 22nd from 8:55am - NOON.   The balance of the week will begin at 8:55am with a 3pm dismissal.

Please note the following procedures for our first day of school:
  • NEW students are asked to report to the gymnasium (through the front office door) after the first bell at 8:50am
  • RETURNING students should line up outside the door for last year's classroom
  • KINDERGARTEN students should report to the multi-purpose room at 9:30am.  This room can be accessed through the front office door.  More information on "gradual entry" will be provided at that time
  • ALL students will be dismissed at NOON from the same door that they entered to begin the day
Typically a new school year at Hawthorne sees students return to their previous year's classroom for the first day before joining their new teacher the following day.  Please note that this process will likely be delayed next week due to some uncertainty about timing, enrolment and capacity in our building.  We will be sending out further details early next week.  Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding.  In the meantime,  please review the criteria that is considered when planning classes:

- Learning styles and strengths
What the child can do in relation to the program
- Degree of independence in work habits
- Social and personal needs
- Age and physical maturity
- Previous year's placement
- Previous teacher's input
- Parent input / requests
- Establishing a balanced group academically
- Male/Female balance
- Friendship groupings
- Equalizing class size
- Siblings/Twins
- Special needs
- Medical needs

Hawthorne will be hosting a Terry Fox Run on Friday, September 26th at 2pm.  We will begin with an assembly followed by a 20 minute run and refreshments.  We are encouraging parents to join us if available and take the opportunity to meet their child's teacher.   Donations for the Terry Fox Foundation will be collected from Thursday, September 25th - Friday, October 3rd.  Thank you in advance for your support.