Hawthorne enjoyed a very successful Family Game Night on Thursday, November 5. Families were engaged in a wide variety of activities and we had almost 200 participants. Thank you to the many families who attended and a special thanks to our PAC volunteers,
Ms. Ranu and
Ms. Barnes, for their work in coordinating this great event along with the door prizes. Well done Hawthorne!
For a number of years Hawthorne students and staff have enjoyed the benefits of a Sensory Room. This room was initiated by
Mrs. Hodgson (educational assistant
) and sponsored by our PAC. It features a wide array of equipment designed to help students self-regulate during the day. Students who are using the Sensory Room (5 minute per visit) are asked to identify where they fall within the zones of regulation. Visits are tracked by our education assistants and the data that has been collected indicates that most students are able to return to the classroom and engage in the task at hand. Please check in with your child's teacher if you would like to learn more about how this learning tool is being used within the classroom.
We are pleased to announce that Hawthorne will be hosting its annual Christmas Concert on
Thursday, December 10th. There will be two shows (1:30pm and 6:30pm) and a reply form will be sent home in late November so that parents can indicate which show their family plans to attend. Please keep in mind that due to our gym's capacity, families will only be able to attend one of the shows and we will be restricting families to 2 seats for the evening show or 4 seats for the afternoon performance. We look forward to what should be a fun day of holiday cheer.
Our student "We Day" committee will be collecting food and money for Deltassist beginning on Monday, November 30th until Friday December 11th. We are hoping for donations of non-perishable food items and/or a loonie or twoonie to support Delta families in need. Your support would be greatly appreciated. If you, or someone you know, is in need of extra support during the holiday season, please consider Deltassist's Christmas programs. Registered families can have access to food and toys. You can click here for more details and to check the eligibility requirements.
Hawthorne's Student Council met for the first time two weeks ago and their first responsibility was hosting a Halloween costume day on October 30. We enjoyed a great level of participation for staff and students which made for an action packed day with prizes for two students from each class. We look forward to our next Spirit Day. In the meantime, here are the student council members for 2015:
Joshua Gowler, Jake Williams, Jovin Dhaliwal, Aja Friesen, Casey Kitagawa, Ryley Ferguson, Amorey Cronmiller, Helix Hunter, Turner Broad, Colton Mclean, Jessica Khuu, Kaity Morris, Taylor Halkett, Lexy Granum, Ryan Begg, Lauren Amundsen, Chloe Koekemoer, Nathan Pannell
SNOW PASSES: Grade 4 and 5
The snow is beginning to fall and winter is just around the corner. Get a Grade 4 & 5 SnowPass for your nine and ten year olds and get them out on the slopes this winter! Pick up a SnowPass for your 4th or 5th grader and save this winter. Snowstorms are already starting to hit parts of Canada and with all this snow comes all sorts of fun! Don't let your kids spend the winter indoors, get them out and active; try skiing and snowboarding this winter with the Grade 4 & 5 SnowPass.
Your kids have never skied or snowboarded before? No problem! It's the perfect time to get them started. The Canadian Ski Council has everything you need to make it easy and affordable for your children to learn. Just register for a Grade 4 & 5 SnowPass for your child and receive three free lift tickets at each and every participating ski area, all across Canada. With over 150 locations participating in the program, there are hundreds of opportunities for your kids to ski and snowboard this winter!
Registering your child for a SnowPass is easy and open to any child in grade 4 or 5. Application forms are being distributed at most elementary schools across Canada and can also be found online at: www.snowpass.ca. Online registration is fast and easy, just visit www.snowpass.ca, upload your child's picture and proof of age, enter your method of payment and presto, your child's personalized SnowPass will be mailed directly to your home in days.
The Grade 4 & 5 SnowPass is a national program and is valid at over 150 ski areas across Canada including 32 ski areas in British Columbia, 19 ski areas in Alberta, 1 ski area in Saskatchewan, 2 ski areas in Manitoba, 33 ski areas in Ontario, 57 ski areas in Quebec, 8 in Atlantic Canada and 1 in the Yukon. With ski areas participating across Canada, families will not have to travel far to put the SnowPass to use. Kids can easily track how many lift passes they have left by visiting www.snowpass.ca. No matter where you live, everyone can take advantage of this fantastic offer. The only cost is a small administration/postage fee of $29.95 including taxes.
If this is your child's first time skiing or snowboarding, the Canadian Ski Council has it covered. Sign up for a Discover Learn to Ski or Snowboard lesson package, which includes a lesson with a certified ski or snowboard instructor, lift ticket and equipment rental, all for a very low price. Check out www.skicanada.org for a full list of ski areas that offer Discover lesson packages and their package prices.
Friday Nov. 20th
Hot Lunch/Walk To School Day
Wednesday, Nov. 25th
PAC Meeting
6:30pm Library
Friday, November 27th
Professional Day
School Closed
Thursday, Dec. 10
Christmas Concert
1:30pm / 6:30pm