Thursday 16 April 2015

April 16, 2015

Our students and staff began training last week for the track and field season.  Coaches have been working with students in a number of areas:  sprints, distance, relays, long jump, shot put and softball throw.  Our first "mini-meet" will take place at 3:20pm on Tuesday, April 21st at Delta Senior Secondary. This will be an opportunity for some of our students to practice on the track but only a few events will be run:  100m sprints for gr. 6/7, 60m Shuttle and 60 m Sprint for our gr. 4/5 students.   The regional track meet is scheduled for Tuesday, May 5th with the district event taking place on Thursday, May 14th.  We hope that your schedule allows you to attend some of these events to support the team.  Thank you to all of our coaches!

With warmer temperatures looming, students are often tempted to wear beach-like clothing to school. Please help us to maintain an age- appropriate dress code for all grades at Hawthorne by ensuring that strapless, spaghetti-strapped, midriff-like tops and “too-short” shorts or skirts are not worn to school. The midriff should be covered at all times. As well, T-shirts with contentious slogans may be deemed  inappropriate. We wish to work with the parent community in helping to ensure the students wear clothing that is respectful of and appropriate to the school learning environment. These guidelines are intended to maintain a wholesome environment where children can be children without the pressure to hurry up and be young adults.

A number of our students have spent the last few weeks preparing for the Delta School District's Math Celebrations event.  Our Hawthorne will join other South Delta elementary schools on the afternoon of Thursday, April 23rd at Port Guichon Elementary.  We wish them well as they test their math skills and tackle some challenging word problems.  Special thanks to Mrs. Retallick for coordinating our efforts.  

Participating Students:

Grade 7: Carson Gray, Matt Cossenas, Roman Bains, Sena Kholmatov

Grade 6:  Harvir Panesar, Nathan Pannell, Angie Francis

Grade 5: Chloe Koekemoer, Dawson Chung, Riley Arlitt, Keily Hutt, Mackenzie Gray, Ekhtiar Nijjar, Gabrielle Valle, Suneil Dhaliwal, Kaitlyn Kitigawa, Mya Hol 

Grade 4: Matt Fischer, Kaity Morris, Annise Gill, Jessica Khu, Aidan Lockhart, Sean Fraser, Taylor Butcher, Frankie Asquith, Colton Mclean, Alex Pryce, Anita Van Wieringen

You are invited to attend the 3rd Annual Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair which will be takingplace on April 30th at the Sungod Recreation Centre in North Delta from 9am-8pm.  This is a unique and exciting event that gives hands-on experience with dozens of potential career paths.  We encourage you to bring your child(ren) with you to the event. All grade 7 and 10 students are already attending the fair during the school day. For older children and teenagers this is a great opportunity to educate themselves about the many meaningful, well-paying and fulfilling jobs available in the trades and technical areas.  For younger children, childminding is available from 5-8pm and a food truck will be on site during the evening hours.  

The Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair is spearheaded by the Corporation of Delta in partnership with the Delta School District, Vancouver Community College, BCIT, Kwantlen Polytechnic University and local employers. The event is incredibly interactive, featuring ‘Try a Trade’ activities and dynamic presentations on the main stage. The Delta School District will also have a career booth at the event.

We invite you to have a look at the Delta Trades and Technical Career Fair website for more information:


    We would like to recognize all of those Grade 4 and 5 students who competed in the Reading Link Challenge. The students had a list of 6 books to read and were quizzed with questions challenged their comprehension skills.  We held our school challenge where the teams competed to see who would become the  Hawthorne champs.  Congratulations "The Once Upon A Readers" team that advanced to face 19 other schools in the Delta School District finale.  Special thanks to Mrs. Ratzlaff for all of her support in coordinating these teams! 

    Hawthorne's Reading Link teams:

    The Big Bang Bookers:  Taylor, Roshan, Priyanshu, Keira, Jeremy, Michael

    The Yoda Unicorns: Gabby, Finn, Jessica, Hayden, Ava, Ally, Ella

    The Reading Machines: Kaity, Caitlin, Turner, Reanna, Annise, Sean

    The Brainiacs: Alyssa, Ayven, Jordyn, Sophia, Sara, Holly

    The Once Upon a Readers: Aish, Gabrielle, Samira, Carly, Mackenzie, Lauren

Please contact Mrs. Page at the office ( if your family is considering a change of schools next year.  This information is an important part of our planning for the 2015-2016 school year.  Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Please note that the Delta Secondary gym will be open for some "drop-in" basketball on Monday nights for the Spring.  The doors will be open from 7-9pm beginning April 20th.  Basketballs will be provided but students are able to bring their own if they would prefer.  This opportunity is being provided by the Delta Alumni Basketball Committee.


Friday, April 17
Professional Day
School Closed

Tuesday, April 21
Track Mini-Meet
3:20pm Delta Secondary

Friday,  April 24
Hot Lunch Day

Monday, April 27
PAC Meeting

Friday, May 1
Monthly Assembly

Tuesday, May 5
Regional Track Meet
Delta Secondary

Friday, June 5
Sports Day